Wednesday, July 15, 2015


To my dismay, I neglected to correct some mistakes in the book before it went off to the printer. Here are the errors I have found so far:

Acknowledgments: Marianne (not Mary Ann) Sundell

Page 8: The colonial wars, often known collectively as the French and Indian Wars, were individually named after reigning English monarchs at the time of each conflict except for King Philip's War (1675-1678); King Philip was the name adopted by the Native American leader Metacomet, in memory of the friendly relationship his father had had with the Mayflower Pilgrims.

Page 110: In the italicized account of the steam sawmill explosion, the bracketed phrase "probably at south end of Wickett Pond" should be deleted. Different newspaper articles about the accident suggest that it occurred somewhere in the vicinity of the State Forest headquarters on Montague Road.

Page 137: Elizabeth Peirce (not Pierce)

Page 162: Daniel Edwin Ball died in Charleston, SC (not Charlestown)

Page 165: I say "in 2014, the town still complies with the conditions of Mr. Phelp's gift." It should read "now, after a lapse of many decades, the town is once again complying with Mr. Phelps's gift."

I apologize for these mistakes.

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